March 2020

Lana Reid - Relationship Thoughts

Relationship Thoughts: Practice Empathy

👉❤️ One key element to success in a relationship is having compassion and understanding for your partner. To have the ability to step outside yourself and your feelings and look at things from their point of view is vital to ensuring your partner feels connected to you. Pay attention to your significant other’s body language, tone of voice, listen to their words. Make sure you push the pause button on Read More

Lana Reid - Relationship Thoughts

Relationship Thoughts: Help Each Other Conquer Fears

👉❤️ The joy of having a partner is walking hand in hand with them along their journey as they become the best version of themselves. Along the way, some of their growth will require them to push past their doubts and fears. Maybe they think they are too old to go back to school or maybe they are terrified of driving in city traffic. Be there to encourage your partner Read More