relationship coach

Relationship Thoughts: Your Significant Other is Tired of Seeing You In Your Pajamas
👉❤️ Get dressed. These times that we find ourselves in seem to keep us close to home day after day. It’s easy to slip into the daily routine of wearing your “at home” clothes all the time. Your partner would still like to glance over at you from time to time and enjoy the view, so put some effort into it and throw on your “stepping out” clothes… even if Read More

Relationship Thoughts: Use Your Inside Voice
👉❤️ Sometimes when we are upset or passionate about our feelings and trying to convey them to our partner, we unintentionally raise the tone of our voice as we get swept up in our emotions. It’s very difficult to be on the other end of a conversation and try to absorb what the other person is trying to say when they appear to be shouting at you. At times, you Read More

Relationship Thoughts: The Art of the Apology
👉❤️ Remove the words “but” and “if” while saying you are sorry. You know, “I’m sorry BUT”…. or “I’m sorry IF you had…, I wouldn’t have”… Nothing is more emotionally irritating to hear than these types of dismissive and flippant apologies. If you are genuinely sorry, the apology ends with the words “I’m sorry” and begins with a sincere attempt to adjust the behavior.
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Relationship Thoughts: A Happy Homelife Flows Out Into All the Other Areas of Your Life
👉❤️ It becomes much more difficult to have positive thoughts while at work, to be in the best of moods when you deal with the clerk at the store or to not be thrown into an emotional funk when your car gets a flat, if everyday when you walk into your home you are frustrated and dissatisfied with your relationship. Happiness at home will generate happiness when you step outside Read More

Relationship Thoughts: Always Ask Yourself: “Could This Person Be My Friend?”
👉❤️ You will spend a large about of time having conversations with this person, hanging out with this person, eating meals with this person. Always ask yourself in the beginning stages of a relationship if this person is the type of person that you would even call a “friend.” Everything else will build upon that foundation.
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Relationship Thoughts: Stop Trying to Hold on to People That You are Not Ready For
👉❤️ Today’s dating world is a very egoistic and narcissistic one. People want the best from others at all times while only delivering the minimum in return. Always self-check and see if you are even in a place in life to be a blessing to a wonderful person when you run across them. It’s perfectly alright to pause and do some personal growth and then re-enter the dating world.
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Relationship Thoughts: Sometimes Every Little Thing About Your Partner Will Bother You
👉❤️ During those times when it’s a little rocky in the relationship, everything about your partner will irritate you. The way they chew their food, talk on the phone, or even breath will just irk your soul. Learn to separate what you are actually upset about from the minor nuances that are expressing themselves in these times.
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Relationship Thoughts: Practice Empathy
👉❤️ One key element to success in a relationship is having compassion and understanding for your partner. To have the ability to step outside yourself and your feelings and look at things from their point of view is vital to ensuring your partner feels connected to you. Pay attention to your significant other’s body language, tone of voice, listen to their words. Make sure you push the pause button on Read More

Relationship Thoughts: Help Each Other Conquer Fears
👉❤️ The joy of having a partner is walking hand in hand with them along their journey as they become the best version of themselves. Along the way, some of their growth will require them to push past their doubts and fears. Maybe they think they are too old to go back to school or maybe they are terrified of driving in city traffic. Be there to encourage your partner Read More