
talent and skills are talent and skills… no matter how you acquire them.

Natural Talent vs. Learned Talent… is Still Talent

Sundays are house cleaning days for me. You will usually find me with the music turned up to an ear-blasting volume while I’m dancing around with the vacuum cleaner or a broom as I go through the house. I love to dance and I dance extremely well but just between you and me, I have a secret to share. I’m not a natural dancer. By that I mean, I’m not Read More

When Someone Brings Nothing to the Table… let Them Grow

🔴Yesterday I was chatting with a 20-something yr old female about her relationship. She made the comment “He don’t bring anything to the table!” My mindset has grown over the years about this concept because I realize that at some point in ALL of our lives, we have sat down at other people’s tables and the ONLY thing we have brought to that table was ourselves and an appetite. I Read More